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Digital OOH - Dynamic Delivery of Consumer Advertising

Digital OOH - Dynamic Delivery of Consumer Advertising

Digital OOH offers innovative ways to create and amplify consumer interactions through improved service and convenience. With its flexibility and immediacy, digital OOH can help advertisers deliver highly relevant and personalized customer messages. Whether providing real-time or urgent information, or sales and special offers, digital OOH provides a broad platform for advertisers to offer money- and time-saving consumer solutions.

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Creative Advertising Primer

Creative Advertising Primer

There are a few basic guidelines to consider when designing for the OOH medium, but they are not rules. There are always exceptions. However, adaptingvthe guidelines does require an appreciation for the fundamental principles of good OOH design.

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Interactive OOH Primer

Interactive OOH Primer

This primer outlines the basics of the loT landscape, how OOH advertising fits into an interactive campaign, ways to incorporate loT into creative OOH executions, and more. The effectiveness of these applications will vary based on the OOH format and location, and user safety must always be a primary consideration.

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2016 Political Advertising Primer

Political Advertising Primer

The Political Advertising Primer outlines how political advertising is different from general market advertising, political ad spend opportunities, OOH proof points for political advertising, and political case studies.

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Planning for OOH Media

Planning for OOH Media

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