Available as free-standing information, telephone, or public-service kiosks. The advertising revenue funds the provision and maintenance of additional public amenities.
Phone Kiosks
Vertical displays which appear on the sides of public telephone structures. Backlit at night.
City Panels
Displays, horizontal or vertical, which appear on the back side (street side) of public telephone structures. Framed and permanently attached to the phone booth.
Information Kiosks
Ads are affixed to two backlit panels on each kiosk.
Super City Panels
Backlit displays appearing on the back (street side) of telephone kiosks.
Electronic Display Kiosks
Backlit LED ad panels that carry changing messages.
Campus Kiosks
Displays (on or near college/university campuses) which appear on kiosks that have phones or a newspaper dispensing function.
Primary Uses
To reach pedestrians and vehicular traffic in a densely populated center city: downtown, retail, financial, and entertainment districts.
Available in a few large cities. Method of Purchase Sold in two week flights, by networks.
Telephone Kiosk: 50” H x 26” W 48” H x 24” W
City Panels: Vertical 50” H x 26” W 49” H x 25” W
City Panels: Horizontal 26”H x 53”W 25”H x 52”W
Super City Panel: 35 11/16” H x 80 1/2” W 33” H x 77 1/2” W
LED Phone Kiosk: 41” H x 26” W 39” H x 24” W
Two -Sheet Kiosk: 46” H x 60” W 42” H X 57” W
Information Kiosk: 137 3/4” H x 52 1/4” W 135 3/4” H x 50 1/4” W
Posters should be printed on one panel, to paper trim size, and reverse-printed on the back side.
Print for backlighting by silkscreen, lithography, or electrostatic method.
15 pt. Styrene or E-prints with front and back lamination, 13 mil total.
Weatherproof/waterproof outdoor inks.
Scaled 1/2” to 1” digital output, resolution 300 dpi.
Twenty percent per flight.
Ten days prior to start of flight.